hardwick hall arbella national trust
Branding, exhibition design and build, interpretation

Arbella Exhibition

National Trust - Hardwick Hall

We were asked by the National Trust to design a year long exhibition at Hardwick Hall in Derbyshire that would tell the story of Arbella. Hardwick Hall was built by Robert Smythson for the formidable 'Bess of Hardwick'. The exhibition spanned most of the Elizabethan country house using large scale mirrors as a common thread to create a sense of paranoia and reflection, this included two giant mirrors in the famous long gallery. We also created huge paper scrolls, paddle boards, bespoke oak plinths and easles, embroidered cushions, runners and banners and oak framed timelines to tell her story.

We also commissioned and fully managed the fabrication of the exhibtion and installation. The exhibiton was such a success, and was so well built, Hardwick decided to keep the exhibition installed for the following year, eventually remaining in place for almost three years.

national trust hardwick hall
arbella exhibition branding
Arbella exhibition design National Trust
Arbella exhibition design National Trust
Arbella exhibition design National Trust
Arbella exhibition design National Trust
hardwick hall arbella national trust
hardwick hall arbella national trust
arbella national trust hardwick hall
hardwick hall arbella national trust
arbella exhibition hardwick hall
hardwick hall arbella national trust
hardwick hall arbella national trust
hardwick hall arbella national trust
hardwick hall national trust
hardwick hall national trust
arbella exhibition hardwick hall
national trust packed house
arbella exhibition hardwick hall
Arbella Hardwick Hall National Trust